19. J.H. Choi, J. Kim, H. Yoo, J. Liu, S. Kim, C.-W. Baik, C.-R. Cho, J.G. Kang, M. Kim, P.V. Braun, S. Hwang and T.-S. Jung, Heteroepitaxial Growth of GaN on unconventional templates and layer-transfer for large-area, flexible or stretchable light-emitting diodesAdvanced Optical Materials, 4, 505-521 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500526

18. Q. Zheng, H. Kim, R. Zhang, M. Sardela, J.-M. Zuo,B. Manavaimaran, S. Lourdudoss, Y.-T. Sun and P.V. Braun, Epitaxial growth of three dimensionally structured III-V photonic crystal via hydride vapor phase epitaxyJournal of Applied Physics118, 224303 (2015). DOI: 10.1063/1.4937273

17. J. Liu, J. Wang, J. Kim, H. Ning, Z. Pan, S. Kelly, E. Epstein, X.-J. Huang, J. Liu and P.V. Braun, High Full-Electrode Basis Capacity Template-Free Three-Dimensional Nanocomposite Secondary Battery AnodesSmall11, 6265-6271 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/smll.201502538

16. E. Epstein, J. Yoon, A. Madhukar, J. Hsia and P.V. Braun, Colloidal Particles that Rapidly Change Shape via Elastic InstabilitiesSmall11, 6051-6057 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/smll.201502198

15. S.-K. Kim, E. Jung, MD. Goodman, K.S. Schweizer, N. Tatsuda, K. Yano and P.V. Braun, Self-Assembly of Monodisperse Starburst Carbon Spheres into Hierarchically Organized Nanostructured Supercapacitor ElectrodesACS Applied Materials and Interfaces7,9128-9133 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b01147

14. J. Liu, S.J. Kelly, E.S. Epstein, Z. Pan, X. Huang, J. Liu and P.V. Braun, Three-dimensionally scaffolded C03O4 nanosheet anodes with high performanceJournal of Power Sources299, 40-48 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.08.078

13. M.D. Goodman, S. Kim, N. Tatsuda, K. Yano and P.V. Braun, Enhanced secondary battery anodes based on Si and Fe3O4 nanoparticle infill monodisperse carbon starburst colloidal crystalsParticle & Particle Systems Characterization32, 928-933 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.201500081

12. S.-K. Kim, H.J. Kim, J.-C. Lee, P.V. Braun and H.S. Park, Extremely Durable, Flexible Supercapacitors with Greatly Improved Performance at High TemperaturesACS Nano9, 8569-8577 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b03732

11. J. Zhao, S. Jaber, P. Mulvaney, P. Braun and H. Giessen, Repetitive Hole-Mask Colloidal Lithography for the Fabrication of Large-Area Low-Cost Plasmonic Multi-Shape Single-Layer MetasurfacesAdvanced Optical Materials3, 680-686 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/adom.201400561

10. J. Kim, L.K. Aagesen, J.H. Choi, J. Choi, H.S. Kim, J. Liu, C.-R. Cho, J.G. Kang, A. Ramazani, K. Thornton and P.V. Braun, Template-Directed Directionally Solidified Three-Dimensionally Mesostructured AgCl-KCl Eutectic Photonic CrystalsAdvanced Materials, 27, 4551-4559 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201502265

9. M.P.B. Glazer, J. Cho, J. Almer, J. Okasinski, P.V. Braun and D.C. Dunand, In Operando Strain Measurement of Bicontinuous Silicon-Coated Nickel Inverse Opal Anodes for Li-Ion BatteriesAdvanced Energy Materials5, 1500466 (2015). DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201500466

8. H. Ning, J.H. Pikul, R. Zhang, X. Li, S. Xu, J. Wang, J.A. Rogers, W.P. King and P.V. Braun, Holographic Patterning of High-Performance on Chip 3-D Lithium Ion BatteriesPNAS112, 6573-6578 (2015). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1423889112

7. J. Wang, H. Zhou, J. Nanda and P.V Braun, Three-Dimensionally Mesostructured Fe2O3 Electrodes with Good Rate Performance and Reduced Voltage HysteresisChemistry of Materials27, 2803-2811 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/cm504365s

6. C. Zhang, A. Sitt, H.-J. Koo, K. Waynant, H. Hess, B. Pate and P.V. Braun, Autonomic Molecular Transport by Polymers Containing Programmed Chemical Potential GradientsJACS137, 5066-5073 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b00240

5. M. Mesch, C. Zhang, P.V. Braun and H. Giessen, Functionalized Hydrogel Assisted Glucose Sensing with Plasmonic NanoantennasACS Photonics2, 475-480 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00004

4. S. Lee, A.R. Damodaran, P. Gorai, N. Oh, J.A. Moyer, J.-H. Kwon, N. Ferdous, A. Shah, Z. Chen, E. Breckenfeld, R.V.K. Mangalam, P.V. Braun, P. Schiffer, M. Shim, J.-M. Zuo, E. Ertekin and L.W. Martin, A Novel, Layered Phase in Ti-Rich SrTiO3 Epitaxial Thin Films, Advanced Materials27, 861-868 (2015). . DOI: 10.1002/adma.201403602

3. Q. Mahmood, M.G. Kim, S. Yun, S. Bak, X.-Q. Yang, W.S. Kim, H.S. Shin and P.V. Braun, Unveiling Surface Redox Charge Storage of Strongly Interacting Two-Dimensional Hetero-Nanosheets in Hierarchical ArchitecturesNano Letters15, 2269-2277 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/nl504200y

2. J. Liu, N. Li, M. Goodman, H. Zhang, E. Epstein, B. Huang, Z. Pan, J. Kim, J.H. Choi, X.-J. Huang, J. liu, K. Hsia, S. Dillon and P.V. Braun, Mechanically and Chemically Robust Sandwich-Structured C@Si@C Nanotube Array Li-ion Battery AnodesACS Nano9, 1985-1994 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/nn507003z

1. J. Chang, R.T. Haasch, J. Kim, T.P. Spila, P.V. Braun, A.A. Gewirth, and R.G. Nuzzo, The Synergetic Rolde of Li+ during Mg Electrodeposition/Dissolution in Borohydride Diglyme Electrolyte Solution: Voltammetric Stripping Behaviors on a Pt microelectrode Indicative of Mg-Li Alloying and Facilitated DissolutionACS Applied Materials & Interfaces7, 2494-2502 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/am507375t